Next Steps

To see every person Reaching, Belonging, Growing, and Giving


Grow Track

Incredible transformation and growth happens when you commit to Christ, experience freedom and begin to live on purpose. We’ve designed four steps within our Grow Track to help you reach the next level in your journey with Christ. Learn More.

Freedom Weekend

Freedom Weekend

Freedom Weekend is a 2-day Freedom Ministry event created to help you truly live free in Christ. It’s a life changing experience where attendees can expect to hear profound teaching, receive ministry from trained ministers and most importantly encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit in a powerful way. Ministry Topics may cover: The cross of Jesus, emotional healing, Healing of Father Wounds, Sexual Purity, the importance of Forgiveness and deliverance. Learn More.


Belong Group

Belong Groups are the heartbeat of City Church. These small Bible study groups meet in homes, on college campuses and public spaces around the New Orleans and metro area.

Church is more than meeting together in large gatherings. Church is Family. We want to see every believer connected to God’s family in community. Learn More



Volunteering is one of the ways we serve God and our community at City Church. We believe that serving is the greatest expression of God’s love and it is one of the ways we demonstrate that love to each other and the world. Learn More

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